“TAPAS” at Thinkspace Projects
We are happy to announce that we will be part of
Curated by Ken Flewellyn at Thinkspace Projects(Los Angeles, Ca)
Taking place: November 14th through December 12, 2020
Along side:
Arthur Brouthers | ABCNT | Alex Garant | Allison Reimold | AngelOnce | Anthony Clarkson | Ariel Deandrea | Bier en Brood | Bri Cirel | Brian Mashburn | Chloe Becky | Dan Lam | Darcy O’Day | Daria Aksenova | Dragon76 | Drew Young | Dustin Meyers | Erik Siador | Frank Gonzales | Fumi Nakamura | Giorgiko | Goopmassta | Gustavo Rimada | Huntz Liu | Jacub Gagnon | Jessica Dalva | Jolene Lai | Kathy Ager | Kelly Vivanco | Kelsey Livingston | Ken Flewellyn | Lauren YS | Lauren Mendhelson-bass | L. Croskey | Linnea Strid | Matthew Grabelsky | Molly Gruninger | Mwanel Pierre-Louis | Naoshi | Nate Seubert | Rachel Strum | Perez Bros | Scott Listfield | Sean Bannister | Sergio Garcia | Sloppy Seconds | Spenser Little | Steve Martinez | Stephanie Buer | Tati Holt | Telmo Miel | Terry Arena | Vakseen | Woes | Wiley Wallace | Yu Maeda | Yusei Abe | Zachary Schoenbaum
Show Details:
Curated by Ken Flewellyn at Thinkspace Projects(Los Angeles, Ca)
Taking place: November 14th through December 12, 2020
“Tapas” will showcase a collection of small works. Like Tapas, despite their size, these works will deliver a huge impact with amazing attention to aesthetics, presentation, and detail.
For more info check the following link: